
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring / Summer Vacance Travel Kit! - Part 2: Body / Hair Care- ( 봄/여름 바캉스 여행 키트 - 보디 /헤어 )

My reviews on the products are very personal, and I, myself, am not affiliated with the company producing the products. I always do my best to keep my review very neutral, yet, friendly and more focused on results after using the products rather than ingredients or benefits advertised by the company. Although this enabled me to tell whether the product's description turns out to be fool- proof or not, for various personal skin needs/issues, I cannot guarantee that the products which worked on my skin will definitely work on yours.

I promised to write a post on my summer holiday travel kit on my bikini post about a month ago. And here we are! :) (Apologies for delay! >_<)

If you have visited Australia before (or live in Australia), you would know how hot it is in summer. :(
Especially in Queensland, it gets very hot and humid at the same time.
Accordingly your skin gets very stressed from both the boiling hot weather and air conditioner.

There are all these dark sides behind a sexy hot summer. Bah. :(
Anywho, No Pain No Gain, we love summer, so let's now talk about what to pack for our holidays!

** Check my previous post Part One: Skin Care, if you haven't read it yet!

Part Two: Body / Hair Care

[**I have a normal scalp with very long weakened colour treated hair. And I do not suffer from any allergies. i.e. the products that I use may not be the best for you. So check your scalp, hair, body conditions first before you pack!]

후기> 라프레리 스킨케어 제품 구매 가이드! ^_^

참고로 이 포스트는 상업적 포스트 아닙니다~ 전 라프레리 회사랑은 아무 관련없습니다~
그리고 불펌은 금합니다!!! 상업적 댓글도 NO 입니다~ ^_^

*** 클릭! 후기> 럭셔리 스킨케어 가이드> 라메르 vs 라프레리 vs 스위스 퍼펙션 vs 시슬리 비교 

음... 한국어로 포스팅한지 좀 오래되었다는...
헉.. 죄송 T_T

딱딱한 문체 (처음 포스트처럼)로 작성할까 하다가..
그냥 마음 바꿔서 바로 그냥 구어체로 날려요~ 
오늘은 그냥 맞춤법 뭐 그런거 신경쓰고 싶지 않다는 ㅎㅎ

뭐 다들 작년에 제가 토너 두 개 후기 쓴거 보셨으면 
대략 제가 라프레리 제품 쓰는 줄 아셨을 걸로 짐작?!ㅋㅋ 

어쨌거나 저는 여기꺼 4년째 쓰고 있구요..

Friday, March 29, 2013

Review> LA PRAIRIE Skincare Purchase Guide!

My reviews on the products are very personal, and I, myself, am not affiliated with the company producing the products. I always do my best to keep my review very neutral, yet, friendly and more focused on results after using the products rather than ingredients or benefits advertised by the company. Although this enabled me to tell whether the product's description turns out to be fool- proof or not, for various personal skin needs/issues, I cannot guarantee that the products which worked on my skin will definitely work on yours.

***Read about Review> Luxury Skincare Brand Purchase Guide! **La Mer VS La Prairie VS Swiss Perfection VS Sisley (Comparasion)** and
Review > LA MER Skincare Purchase Guide!

If you have been reading my blog posts, 
you might know I have been using La Prairie products.
I have been using their range religiously for 4 years now, and my mother has for over 5 years.
In fact, I wrote a few posts on La Prairie toners last year.
If you want me to write reviews on a particular La Prairie product (or any questions), then please leave me a comment :) .

I have combination /oily on T-zone skin, and very reactive to any changes (life style, food, products..etc.).

Oh, just to let you know if you were wondering, 
here are La Prairie skin care products that I HAVE NOT tried yet;

A. Cellular Radiance Night cream

B. Cellular Radiance Radiance cream
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring / Summer Vacance Travel Kit! - Part 1: Skin Care- ( 봄/여름 바캉스 여행 키트 - 스킨 케어 )

My reviews on the products are very personal, and I, myself, am not affiliated with the company producing the products. I always do my best to keep my review very neutral, yet, friendly and more focused on results after using the products rather than ingredients or benefits advertised by the company. Although this enabled me to tell whether the product's description turns out to be fool- proof or not, for various personal skin needs/issues, I cannot guarantee that the products which worked on my skin will definitely work on yours.

I promised to write a post on my summer holiday travel kit on my bikini post about a month ago. And here we are! :) (Apologies for delay! >_<)

If you have visited Australia before (or live in Australia), you would know how hot it is in summer. :(
Especially in Queensland, it gets very hot and humid at the same time.
Accordingly your skin gets very stressed from both the boiling hot weather and air conditioner.

There are all these dark sides behind a sexy hot summer. Bah. :(
Anywho, No Pain No Gain, we love summer, so let's now talk about what to pack for our holidays!

Part One: Skin Care

[** I have combination skin, i.e. oily on T-zone and normal or slightly dry on the rest. And I get breakouts very easily. Meaning, these products may not work on your skin. ]

Monday, March 11, 2013

Reminder: Starcraft 2 is released today!

It has been ages, everyone!

Hope you are all well.
Apologies for no post for the last a few weeks.
I had a proper reason! I have been feeling unwell... 


Well, I am sitting in front of my computer in my pajama just for a reminder!

Starcraft 2 is released today! 
For more details, please read my previous post.



That's all for now!
Hopefully I will be able to make a post by next week!
Fingers crossed!

And enjoy your gaming!
